Shot on my Arri Alexa 35 with Arri Moviecam Lenses provided by ArriRental and G&E provided by CineLease and SFX provided by ActualFX.
A ballerina finds herself restricted by the constraints and pressures of the traditional ballet world - a structure that remains engrained in its dancers looking and moving the same way, devoid of individuality. In the pursuit of personal freedom, she seeks to break free of ballets rigid conventions and expectations and in doing so, reignites her childlike love for the art form.
Director/Producer: Kit Pilosof @Kittenpilo
Dancer: Mckhayla Pettingill @mckhaylapettingill
DP: Grant Cooper @grantcooperdp
Choreographer: Dasha Schwartz @dashaschwartz @cardboard.stage
Set Design: Emma Muncaster @succulent.slut666
Styling/Tutu: Bulia Puteeva @bulia_fashionator
Glam: Jordan Giang @jordangiang
Operator: Jan Schädle Ubeda @jsu_cinema
1st AC: Eric Schweiger @ericschweiger
Gaffer: Ibrahim Issa @Ibrahimissa
Key Grip: Shawn Robertson @shawntron
Best LX: Timur Aliev @terror.vsn
Best Grip: Vitaliy Novikov @vitalson_n
Edit: Oliver Whitfield-Smith @some_next_gram
Composer: Alex Gluch @_gluch
Color: Clinton Homuth @clintonhomuth @artjail
VFX: Oscar Maquire @_oscarmaguire
Shot at: Arcana @findarcana
BTS / Photography: Sara Jade Alfaro @sara.jade.alfaro.dehghani
Drone OP: Joshua MacDonald @joshuajamesmacdonald
Photography: Britney Townsend @bheathertownsend